
CAT Exam Tips: How to de-stress from CAT Phobia?

CAT so near now, just three days more and finally CAT 2018 will be over on 25th November. Indeed it is tough time and full of stress at the moment. Off course all will like to be stress free and remain cool, that is the advice all will have from peer group but question is how de-stressed form CAT phobia remain?
CAT Exam EduVani, CAT Exam 2019
First is first is that you will find that what’s that which is still bothering you? Is it only fear of doing better ,if so that is good in one sense that exam fear in general shows that you are about to perform better than you expected because it is your fear which will lead you me in difficult times.

Is it some section of CAT is bothering you? Is it QA or DILR or VARC ?If you go in a bit of detail of each section , you will realise that all these sections not only demand the clarity on the fundamentals but equally require practice that too a lot. So at this moment when just couple of days left for CAT, here is no point for you to feel insecure on CAT. Since you have already done plenty of practice sessions and mock tests hence, bead on that please remain confident that you will be able to solve the questions in time.

Competition in CAT can be another a specific stress builder and definitely it is the point to be tackled. Competition can be tackled with bold face and exact performance in CAT. It is advisable not to attempt those questions which are doubtful otherwise negative marking can be suicidal. Make sure that you are cent per cent sure on answer. Most important point over here is that we must understand that CAT is percentile based and with this even you are leaving few questions, it really does not matter in the context that with your right answers , you are about to gain with percentile.

Time and speed is another point of stress and this can be relived with the past practice. You are sure enough that you will be able to finish and close the exam with all attempts of all questions. Yes, since you cannot go back and forth of all sections hence remain cool even if you realise later that you left that question which you would have attempted right, no issue now, leave that and move ahead.

Stress free exam is a must for focused CAT aspirants like you. Time is ripe to leave the preparation now and continue to mediate on CAT and that will help you remain confident to ace CAT.

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